
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sushi Kuu @ Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong

If you are looking to pamper yourself with some delicious Japanese food, leave it to Sushi Kuu. Prices may not come cheap, but every bite is a treat, especially the Sashimi and Seafood Onsen Egg. 
Located on the first floor of Wellington Place, Sushi Kuu is a very popular place among locals.
The restaurant has a modern and stylized interior.
Check out this Hario Ice Sake Dispenser. According to the waitstaff, this sake dispenser cost US$400 each! 
Japanese Black Pork "Shabu Shabu Salad" (HK$150) - A bed of greens topped with thinly sliced Japanese Black Pork, drizzled with sesame sauce and fried garlics. 
Monk Fish Liver (HK$90) - Ankimo or monk fish liver is considered one of the Japanese's delicacies. It is often referred as le foie gras de la mer (foie gras from the sea) given the similarity in color, texture and flavor. FYI - Ankimo is listed at number 32 on the World's 50 most delicious foods complied by CNN Go in 2011.
Seafood "Onsen" Egg (HK$100) - This gotta be the highlight of my trip! The Seafood Onsen Egg was heavenly, with egg yolk running out, marrying the delicate uni and fish roe. Double thumbs up!! 
If only I could have another bowl......if only....
Assorted Sashimi (HK$340) - These rectangular sashimi blocks were buttery, oily and fresh. I can never find such high quality sashimi in Kuala Lumpur.
Assorted Sashimi (HK$460) - More sashimi to satisfied our taste buds.
Grilled Wagyu Ox Tongue (HK$250) - The Wagyu Ox Tongue was surprisingly soft and tender. Even though the meat contained substantial amount of fats, the slightly charred corners added a different dimension to it.
 Deep Fried Japanese Chicken (HK$120) - The chicken was tender on the inside and crispy on the outer layer. It was less impressive compared to its peers. 
Prawn Tempura Avocado Roll (HK$120) - Lightly battered deep fried prawn topped with avocado and fish roe. The roll was crunchy from the tempura and creamy from the avocado. It had a prefect ratio of all the ingredients, as I could taste every layer of the roll.
Dragon Roll (HK$120) - The sushi rice was moist and sticky, with sweet unagi riding on top of it. The size of the roll was perfect for a single bite.
Cold Sanuki Udon (HK$80) - The noodles were crazy good! It was chewy and cooked to al dente.
Cold Inaniwa Udon (HK$90) - I have no problem eating this everyday. The quality of the udon was top notch with a springy texture.
Yuzu Ice Cream (HK$40) - Cooling, Creamy and Contented!!


Smitten Dishes:
Seafood "Onsen" Egg
Japanese Black Pork "Shabu Shabu Salad"

Sushi Kuu @ Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong
Address: 1/F, M88 Wellington Place, 2-8 Wellington Street Lan Kwai Fong
Opening Hours: 12pm-3pm and 6pm-1030pm
Telephone: 2971 0180


  1. ooo, monk fish liver! that's something we can only occasionally find in KL. i try to order it whenever i see it on the menu! yummmmsssss :D

    1. It’s actually endangered due to over fishing. Maybe is not a good idea to order it =p

  2. oo.. its been a while since I had ankimo! taste almost like foie gras except it is from the sea... your Japanese meal looked utterly delectable!!

    1. Thanks Fooddreams. I love all the photos on your blog..

  3. Haven't come across monk fish liver before!! Need to find some!!! And the sashimi looks crazy fresh :D

    1. Yes! The sashimi was extremelyyyyyy fresh!

  4. Sushi is very famous among Hongkies..
    their sushi is very fresh and delicious....
    I tried once and it was really good .. like Japan std...

  5. For a moment there I read 'sushi king' and was wondering what on earth had happened, now I reread and see, you're in Hong Kong! :-)

    1. hahahhaha.... I was in Hong Kong. I'm back in KL now... =)

  6. I thought Lan Kwai Fong is a place full of bars! XD
    I wanna try their salmon~~

    1. It is full of bars but they have good restaurants there too =)

  7. I am a huge fan of Japanese cuisine, in fact i can have sushi, sashimi and maki any time! it is lunch time here and you got me craving so I guess sushi it is!! Those dragon rolls look Divine, I too am completely smitten :)

    1. I'm a big fan of Japanese food as well. I usually have my Japanese fix once a week =)

  8. Wow what a great looking meal! The sake dispenser looks really unique and I would love to try he onsen eggs too!

    1. The sake dispenser does look unique .. and expensive. Once broken consider sold! The onsen egg was divine...

  9. what a luscious meal, INDEED!!!!;D

  10. My kind of food and I simply adore Japanese food, what more the raw cuts and those you have shared looks so tempting.

    1. Thanks Nava, I love all your cookings as well. =)

  11. Monk fish liver? That is an interesting name. Gonna see if my fave Japy eateries have them here.

    1. Sounds like a good idea =) Hope you will enjoy it.

  12. Hi... I work at the Guardian website in London, and we'd really like to use one of your images for an online guide including Sushi Kuu... would you mind emailing me at benji.lanyado [at] gmail [dot] com ? Many thanks!

    1. Thanks Benji for dropping by my blog. I have dropped you an email =)

  13. Drinking in LKF is always fun but it is also fairly expensive. lan kwai fong bars
