
Friday, July 13, 2012

Smitten By Ideas: Breakfast Is Still The Most Important Meal Of The Day

According to Massive Health's Eatery, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But if your breakfast consists of sinful food like nasi lemak, roti canai or curry mee, you are definitely not starting your day on the right foot. 

Studies suggest that eating fiber rich breakfast such as cereal, bread, fruit and vegetables may help to prevent low blood sugar levels between meals and increase the level of satiety for the rest of the day. This will help control hunger and you will probably eat smaller portion during lunch and dinner. On average, people who don’t eat breakfast eat 6.8% more food throughout the day. 

It is worth nothing that, the healthiness of the food we eat decreases by 1.7% for every hour that passes in the day. Lunch is 7.4% less healthy than breakfast, while dinner is 15.9% less healthy! The healthiness level of the food also decreases for every day that passes in a week. We eat less healthier food on the weekend, as we like to indulge after a week of hard week. We probably had more cupcakes, more pastries, more burgers and of course more alcoholic drinks!

Despite all these statistics and advices, I started off my day with nasi lemak, tonkatsu for lunch and I'm already thinking about what I should eat for dinner. Question: How did you start your day?

Happy Friday! =D


  1. I always have bread for breakfast and a full cup of milo..
    then I will have either noodles of rice for lunch..
    at night I will be having some light food.
    Happy Friday.....

    1. so healthy....i had too much rice today. i'm still feeling extremely full. maybe i should go walk around the shopping mall later. heheh

  2. yikes, i gotta confess, i usually skip breakfast, but i have really heavy dinners. i guess it should be the other way around, but it'd involve a drastic lifestyle change, hmmmm...

  3. If I dont eat breakfast, I end up eating less for lunch. So better to have light breakfast then I can eat more (esp I'm visiting someplace like DISH) LOL!!!

    1. Hhahahaha.... true... if you planning to eat brunch, it make sense to eat something light for breakfast =)

  4. Yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you break the word apart, it's break and fast.

    I usually have a cup of rolled oats with sugar-free soya milk with either bread/cake or pancakes but there are times when I really just skip breakfast (if I have eaten a really, really late dinner). Lunch is not regularly taken but when I do, it's either a piece of cake, a plate of my favorite dish at the hawker stall or a home-cooked meal. Dinner's mostly stir-fried vegetable with a little protein and some brown rice.

    Happy Friday to you too. =)

    1. Woahh... you have a very healthy diet.. I tried to eat oats in the morning but is just to hard.

    2. Not really that healthy... it's just that I believe that there has to be a balance of the good and the bad.

      Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I've been replacing my meals with rolled oats for quite a while now but you could try opting for sugar-free Quaker Oatmeal instead. It's just as good (provided you don't go overboard; it can lead to weight gain).

  5. All that I know on the importance of breakfast, sad to say I skip breakfast. My stomach cannot digest food in the early parts of the day. I normally go for brunch and my day begins with a tsp of virgin coconut oil followed with a hot cup of drink.

    1. I totally get what you mean. I usually eat breakfast 1.5 hrs after i wake up or when i reach the office =)

  6. breakfast.. i always skip breakfast... hmmmm thanks for the article above.

    1. I think many of us skip breakfast... maybe is our cultural. =)

  7. I always have a cup of coffee and a slice of bread :)


  8. totally agree..I've been trying to skip breakfast and realize it really doesn't work..instead, i skip dinner! ;D just, sleep early! and look forward for the first meal of the next day!

    1. Wahhh... thats a good way to slim down and stay healthy =)

  9. i'M A BREAKFAST-person, I must have my breakfast or else everything will goes wrong that day :P

    1. Thats really good. I usually skip breakfast.

  10. I'm definitely all for breakfast - nothing better to kickstart the engine than with a good breakfast! It's usually wholegrain cereal and soy milk on weekdays for me.

  11. I can't help but to skip breakfast sometimes LOL!
    Cos nothing to eat :/

  12. good post smitten. i found it educational and interesting, especially the charts and pictures. thanks! ^^

  13. im getting more and more unhealthy too coz big feast normally takes place at night :(

    1. tell me about it. We should be eating less at night

  14. I never grew up with a habit of breakfast because I never woke up in time for breakfast ! :D

    1. hahahhahaha... totally understand what you mean!

  15. Hey! Never heard from you for such a long time!
    Miss ya! ;)

    1. I will be away again for 2 weeks. Promise will post more when i'm back =)

  16. oh dear... there goes my Nasi Lemak..... :(

    1. Me too, maybe we should limit ourselves to once a month treat =)

  17. I can never skip breakfast. I would be so cranky. Eggs and a glass of orange juice is how I like to start my day.

  18. Breakfast is a must even if I am in a rush. There's always a lil tub of yogurt or a fruit that I can grab on the go:D

    1. Thats very healthy of you =) I should follow your foot steps..
