
Monday, September 19, 2011

Jean Georges @ New York

How can you say no to a 3 Michelin stars restaurant that charges US$29 for a two course pre fix menu and US$8 for desserts? You can’t.

Background - Jean Georges is one of the four restaurant in New York that has a 3 michelin star rating. Even though Chef Jean Georges was born in Alsace, French, he spent most of his professional career in Asia, hence creating an artful and often whimsical French - Asian fusion cuisine.

Surroundings - The lunch atmosphere was less formal compared to Per Se, it was lively with diners chit-chatting and waiters trooping silently to and fro. Needless to say, the service was impeccable, the waiters were acute and the dishes were served and taken away coherently. Even though the dining room wasn’t exactly spacious, the high ceilings and huge windows panels gave a warm and intimate feeling.

The Cibatta Bread texture was perfect - hard on the outside and soft inside.

Amuse Bouch
Sea Trout Sashimi Draped in Trout Eggs, Lemon, Dill and Horseradish. I'm totally in love with the presentation of this dish. The trout sashimi was fresh but the horseradish overpowered the dish. What a pity.
Tomato salad garnish with some diced yellow bell pepper, cucumber and olives.
This gotta be the Best Dish! Foie Gras Brulee, Rhubard Huice, Pineapple Raisins and Sichuan Peppercorn! The ingredients and technique used in this dish is impeccable. Kudos~
Beautifully Roasted Halibut coupled with aromatic Spice Broth and Spring Vegetables.
Skate with Chateau Chalon Sauce - Simple yet Delicioussss
Macarons Baby!

Sweet treats~~~~
Chocolate Theme - Jean Georges Chocolate Cake topped with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream with caramelized Honey Ganache, Amaranth Seeds and Hibiscus Steusel!

Rhubard Theme - Warm Honey Rhubard Tart served together with Crystallized Rose Petals, Strawberry Rhubard Soup, Mango, Passion Fruit and Yuzu.


Jean-Georges on Urbanspoon


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  2. Looks yummy! Can't wait to get back to New York! Are you from New York or just visiting?

  3. Thanks Ken will check it out.

    Ms Tindall - Just visiting... wish I could stay there!
