
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gramecy Tavern @ New York

Background - Before Michael Anthony, Gramercy Tavern was run by chef Tom Colicchio (one of Top Chef judge). Initially, many food critics were skeptical about the new chef ability to fill the big shoes, but chef Anthony was more than up for the job, his culinary skills and understanding of seasonal & local ingredients have set him on par, if not beyond chef Colicchio.

Surroundings - The Pottery Barn style decor coupled with some bright flower arrangements and paintings set a welcoming note to all the customers at Gramecy Tavern. The restaurant offers diners both casual and elegant dining rooms.

The Chilled Zucchini Soup will pique you appetite for some Fried Oysters and fortify your palate before digging into the main event
The Sea Scallops was a success with Champagne Grapes, Basil and Lemon Oil, hinging on the natural sea flavor of the Scallops

Veal Loin & Deckle served with Heirloom Beans and Shiitake Mushrooms are worth selfish hogging!!!!
The Warm Chocolate Bread Pudding mingles perfectly with the Cacao Nib Ice Cream, leading to a luxurious texture

A Chocolate Macaroon has all the cult appeal, but serious chef like Nancy Olson knows that for filling, nothing beats a fat slab of Peanut Butter Semifreddo! This is the Best macaroon everrrr~

Overall - This is probably the best restaurant I have tasted so far during my stay in New York. The food here are straightforward, using only the freshest ingredients. Both Danny Meyer and Michael Anthony have certainly make their mark in the culinary world.


Gramercy Tavern on Urbanspoon


  1. Chocolate Macaroon looks so special!! I bet it's delicious! <3

  2. Yes it is! Always dreaming about having another one.. =)

  3. I want to go back to New York! It's 7am and I'm already thinking about dessert :-)
